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What is a mala?

The term mala is a Sanskrit word (ancient language of Indo-European origin formerly spoken in the Indian subcontinent) which means garland of meditation.
The mala can be likened to the rosary and can be worn as a necklace or as a multi-turn bracelet. Traditional necklace of prayer and meditation, it has been worn for thousands of years.
CentoHuit's malas are made with 108 beads, according to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, each separated by a knot, to make the grazing easier during the recitation of mantras. A mantra is a sound, a word or a short phrase to be repeated during a méditation to help you focus. The mantra can be considered as the condensed version of a prayer.

Initially created to be used during meditation, malas are great for posing intentions, demonstrating and more generally for providing a feeling of well-being. Just wear a mala to appreciate the benefits of the minerals that compose it.

An energy frequency emanates from each pearl according to its material.

Cent0Huit malas are aesthetic and can be worn just as accessories or jewelry.

The 108 number

According to cultures and disciplines, the number 108 has different meanings, but all agree on the sacred and spiritual side of this figure.

Well-known mathematicians in Vedic culture saw the number 108 as the number of complete existence. This figure connects the sun, the moon and the Earth. The average distance between the sun and the moon to the Earth is 108 times their respective diameters.

Chakras are energy centers in the body. There are 108 lines of energies in total, which converge together to form the heart chakra.

The number 108 is present in the architecture of sacred texts that are central to yoga and Eastern philosophy. Shiva Rea, a yoga teacher, explains in her book "Tending the Heart Fire" that there are 108 chapters of the Rig Veda, 108 Upanishads and 108 Primary Tantras. These texts are written in Sanskrit, a language consisting of 54 letters, each with a masculine (Shiva) and a feminine (Shakti), so a total of 108 letters.

Figures 1, 0 and 8: In Hinduism, the number 1 represents god, 0 means emptiness and humility found in spiritual practice and 8 symbolizes the infinite.
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